Record Highs for Eastern Young Cattle Indicator: What's Driving BEEF Cattle Prices?

Record-setting cattle prices are signaling optimism and opportunity in the beef industry. As a cattle producer, you have undoubtedly noticed the upward trend in cattle prices recently. In fact, the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) reached an all-time high in early October, surpassing the $12/kg mark for the first time. This milestone caps off a steady rise in cattle prices over the last 18 months. For cattle producers, high saleyard prices translate to higher returns and a chance to regain some of the equity lost during years of drought and market uncertainty. However, for consumers, record beef prices mean paying more at the checkout. What is driving this surge in cattle prices and what does it mean for the beef industry? This article explores the key factors pushing cattle prices to new heights and considers the implications for both producers and consumers.

Eastern Young Cattle Indicator

Eastern Young Cattle Indicator Reaches Record Highs: Examining the Forces Driving Up BEEF Cattle Prices

The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) reached record highs in early 2021, driven by strong demand and tightening supply.

Beef cattle producers have benefited from growing export demand, especially from China. According to Meat & Livestock Australia, beef exports to China surged by over 50% in 2020. China's growing middle class and taste for high-quality protein have fueled demand for Australian beef. Tightening supply has also supported higher prices. The Australian beef cattle herd has declined to its lowest level since the 1990s due to drought conditions in recent years. The combination of robust export demand and a smaller cattle population has led to a supply-demand imbalance that favors producers.

Domestically, food service demand is rebounding as COVID-19 restrictions ease across the country. Quick service restaurants, casual dining establishments and pubs are ramping up operations, boosting orders for ground beef and other beef products. At the same time, elevated retail demand for beef persists, as home cooking remains popular. Supermarkets continue to see strong sales of beef, especially higher-margin cuts like ribeye, sirloin and rump steak.

The outlook for the EYCI remains positive, although price growth may moderate. Demand from China and food service channels is likely to continue strengthening. However, the supply situation may improve slightly if rebuilding of herds proceeds and seasonal factors drive higher yardings. Barring any unforeseen shocks, beef cattle producers can expect prices to remain at historically high levels, supported by export and domestic demand in a market underpinned by limited supply.

Overall, the confluence of surging export demand, recovering food service activity, sustained retail interest and a slowly rebuilding herd points to ongoing favorable market conditions for Australian beef cattle producers. The EYCI's record highs reflect these powerful forces coming together to lift the beef sector to new heights.

BEEF Cattle Numbers Set to Increase: Impacts on Cattle Prices and Industry Outlook

If BEEF cattle numbers increase as projected, it could put downward pressure on cattle prices in the coming years. However, several factors are driving demand and supporting continued strength in the cattle market.

BEEF Export Markets

Export markets for Australian BEEF remain strong, with key trading partners in Asia, the US and the Middle East. As economic growth continues in these regions, demand for high-quality BEEF products is rising. Export volumes were up 7% year-on-year, according to Meat & Livestock Australia. Continued growth in export markets will help support cattle prices.

Foodservice Sector and Branded Retail Demand

Domestically, the branded retail and foodservice sectors continue to grow, fueled by health-conscious consumers seeking high-quality, ethically-produced BEEF. The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) reached record highs in early 2021 due to restocking demand and tight supply. While the EYCI has moderated, prices remain well above the 5-year average. Strong demand from the branded/foodservice sector for grain-fed and grass-fed BEEF will continue to support cattle prices.

Overall, while increased BEEF cattle numbers may put some downward pressure on prices, growing export demand and a strong branded retail/foodservice sector will help drive continued strength in the Australian BEEF cattle market. Cattle producers are well-positioned to benefit from these favorable demand dynamics supporting historically high cattle prices.

Protecting Your Herd: Quality Farm Sheds and Facilities From Entegra Signature Structures

To protect your valuable herd, investing in high-quality farm facilities and infrastructure is essential. Entegra Signature Structures designs and builds premium farm sheds and shelters to safeguard cattle and equipment.

Premium Materials and Construction

Entegra farm sheds are crafted from premium materials, including corrosion-resistant steel and durable polymer roofing, built to withstand harsh weather conditions. Galvanized steel frame construction reinforced with steel trusses provides maximum strength and stability.

Customizable to Your Needs

Whether you need basic covered shelter or a fully enclosed barn, Entegra offers customized solutions. Choose from a range of sizes, door and window options, and accessories like feeders, waterers, gates, and pens to suit your specific requirements. Open-sided sheds provide shade and protection from elements while maximizing air flow. Fully enclosed barns insulate cattle and equipment from extreme weather.

Professional Installation and Service

Entegra’s team of experienced technicians professionally install all farm sheds and barns. They can also service, maintain, and repair your existing structures. With regular maintenance and upkeep, an Entegra farm shed will provide decades of reliable use.

Investing in high-quality infrastructure and facilities to protect your livestock and equipment is a wise choice for any cattle operation. Entegra Signature Structures builds premium, customizable farm sheds and barns to safeguard your valuable assets for years to come. Their solutions provide essential shelter and protection so you can focus on what matters most - raising healthy, productive cattle.


The record highs for the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator show the beef cattle market is experiencing significant strength and upward price pressure. Several factors are fueling the surge, including strong consumer demand for high-quality beef, tightening cattle supply, and increasing exports. Although higher input costs may impact producers' bottom lines, the outlook for beef cattle prices remains positive. Strong demand, declining supply growth, and expanding export opportunities will likely support continued strength and potential further price increases in the coming months. Overall, the record high prices are a sign of a healthy, growing beef cattle market in Australia with the potential for ongoing prosperity.


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