Top 3 Agricultural Producing and Exporting Nations in the World

 Food is the most important part of human life. Due to population growth, the demand for food is increasing. Because of this agriculture production and exports are also increasing and the countries that have strong agricultural production and exports are gaining significant financial benefits. If we talked about the top Agricultural producing and exporting nations in the world then we find that China is the leading producer of agricultural products including rice, soybean, millet, wheat, corn, etc and the United States is the largest exporter of agricultural goods in the world. 

The list of top agricultural producing and exporting countries are mentioned below:

Top Agricultural Producer

1. China: China is the world's largest producer, importer, and consumer of food items. A large portion of China's land is used for agriculture. The item they produced includes items include soybean, millet, wheat, and corn.

2. United States: The United States is the second-largest agricultural producer in the world. The most produced crop in the United States is corn, soybean, and wheat. They are also significant producers of potatoes, sugarcane, coffee, sugar beets, and bananas.

3. Brazil: Brazil is one of the best agricultural-producing counties in the world. Brazil is the leading producer of sugarcane, each year around 600 million tonnes of sugarcane country produced.

Top Agricultural Exporter

1. United States: The United States is the leading exporter of agricultural goods. Every year almost US$150 billion they generate by exporting goods. Goods include tomatoes, oats, soybean, and spices.

2. Netherlands: The Netherlands is a small country still, the country is in the second position. The Netherlands makes around US$94 billion in agriculture exports.

3. Germany: Agriculture is an important component of the global economy, particularly in developing nations. Germany is also one of the largest exporters of agricultural goods. Country export cereals, dairy, beef, sugar beets, etc.

Here, we have mentioned the top 3 agricultural producing and exporting countries. If your want to know about the top 10 producing and exporting countries, then read this article by Entegra Signature Structures. For shed design and construction, you can also contact them by visiting their website or call on this number 1300296206.


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