Reasons Behind Deaths in Kansas: Shade For Cattle

Thousands of cattle were killed throughout the weekend in Kansas due to the extreme heat, which was chronicled in social media photographs. Rows of carcasses are seen lined up along the edge of an agricultural field in the widely shared camera footage. State authorities attribute the problem to a heat wave that caused temperatures to exceed 100 degrees. Feedlot operators in the Great Plains region were already trying to deal with drought, strong winds, and wildfires. The clear figure may be greater because the state health and environment agency's estimate only includes losses at farms that requested assistance in disposing of carcasses. "Several weather factors combined which led to heat stress for cattle that impacted cattle producers," a spokeswoman for the Kansas Department of Agriculture stated. The official added, "So we don't have any data about the degree of the impact," as cattle farms are not compelled to disclose those losses. One of the factors was the lack of enough and proper shade for cattle which could have helped cows cool. This event did not just happen abruptly, warnings were given about the coming heat stress, and maps were there that predicted this heat event. Proper facilities for cattle could have saved them from death.

Entegra Signature Structures make the best cattle sheds for cattle and other animals.


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