
Showing posts from August, 2023

Record Highs for Eastern Young Cattle Indicator: What's Driving BEEF Cattle Prices?

Record-setting cattle prices are signaling optimism and opportunity in the beef industry. As a cattle producer, you have undoubtedly noticed the upward trend in cattle prices recently. In fact, the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) reached an all-time high in early October, surpassing the $12/kg mark for the first time. This milestone caps off a steady rise in cattle prices over the last 18 months. For cattle producers, high saleyard prices translate to higher returns and a chance to regain some of the equity lost during years of drought and market uncertainty. However, for consumers, record beef prices mean paying more at the checkout. What is driving this surge in cattle prices and what does it mean for the beef industry? This article explores the key factors pushing cattle prices to new heights and considers the implications for both producers and consumers. Eastern Young Cattle Indicator Reaches Record Highs: Examining the Forces Driving Up BEEF Cattle Prices The Eastern Young