
Showing posts from September, 2022

A Peek at The Facts about Dairy Cows

Our dairy farmers frequently get inquiries about the cows, the safety of the milk, and how milk goes from the farm to the refrigerator because so few people have visited a dairy farm. The comfort and well-being of their cows are of utmost importance to dairy farmers. Here are some things you might not know about dairy cows: A cow chews at least 50 times every minute on average. Cows drag and shred clumps of grass into their mouths rather than biting them; instead, they wrap their tongue around them. A cow's knees don't bend properly in, thus you can guide one up a set of steps but not down them. The sense of smell in a cow is far more acute than in humans. They have a 6-mile range for scent detection! Cows have a more acute sense of sound than people do, and they can hear both lower and higher frequencies better. Cows are sociable creatures; they will develop close relationships with some herd members while avoiding others. The typical dairy cow consumes 30 to 50 gallons of wat